Monthly Archive: October 2017

Baby Growth Chart Tracker 0

Keep Track of Your Child’s Growth

You know when you take your young ones to see their doctors, they measure their weight, height and head circumference? Then they give you a percentage to let you know how your child compares to other children. This can be an important factor in determining if your child is developing...

Self-Confidence vs Self-Esteem 0

Self-Confidence is NOT Self-Esteem!

Can you be confident but still have low self-esteem? Yes! What is self-confidence? Self-confidence comes from the trust you have in yourself. In other words, self-confidence is experience. The more experience you have, the more confidence you will have in being able to accomplish a certain task. This is easy...


Children and Racism

Growing up as a person of color and as a minority in the United States, I have faced my share of racism. Let me start there, so that I can qualify myself as someone who has given extensive thought about race relations in America and as someone who has actually...